An Indepth Look Into Web Hosting
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With so many web hosts available in the market, it is not an easy job to select the web hosting that will best work for you. A few pointers that will help you make the right decision are listed below. Look into them and use them to find a web hosting solution that will be the best for your website.
Identify your requirements
It is important to know what the requirements of your website are. Only if you have an idea of what you need, you can look for them in the web hosting solutions. The requirements of the website will depend on the type of website and the features that the website will have. Find below a list of features that you need to look for while selecting a web hosting solution.
- Site builder option
- Control panel
- Upload options
- Security features
- Customer service
- Scripts and databases
- Windows or Linux server
Types of web hosting options available
Shared Hosting Services
Shared Hosting Services or Virtual Web Hosting Services is a type of hosting service, where many people share the space on a server. The number of websites that are hosted in a physical server depends on the configuration of the server. Some physical servers cater to more than thousand websites. This however raises the question on performance. Such shared hosting services are highly equipped to handle reasonable loads, but when overloaded, the performance of the server is an issue. Reputed Web Hosting companies will constantly review the load and performance of the server and act accordingly by adding more servers if necessary. Shared hosting services are cheaper, but the server response time will be on the slower side.
Dedicated Hosting Services
Dedicated Hosting Companies are the opposite of shared hosting companies. They assign a dedicated web server for just one customer. This ensures better performance when compared to shared hosting service. A customer will rent out the web server for a specific period and will have a variety of options of the web server. In a dedicated web server, the customer has the option of hosting more than one website. The customer will have greater control over the web server. Bandwidth and space provided will be much higher in dedicated hosting plans. This gives you the option of hosting a high traffic website. Websites that contain extremely confidential data will generally opt for a dedicated hosting service.
Co-location Hosting Service
Unlike dedicated hosting service, in co-hosting service the customer owns the web server. This gives the customer even more control over the web server. The web server will be housed in any of the secure data centers of Web Hosting Companies. This hosting service ensures that the customer will have full control over his web server. The web hosting company will provide 24x7 monitoring of the server to ensure 99.9% uptime. The secure data centre will provide the customer with prompt maintenance. This will ensure maximum uptime of websites hosted in the server. Co-location hosting services are the most expensive of the hosting solutions that are available, but are considered the best option for highly secure websites.
Reseller Hosting Services
Reseller Hosting services are considered to be the cheapest of the Hosting Services and is becoming a hot favorite for small and personal websites. The web hosting company will offer its web storage space to a reseller at a lower price, who in turn then resells the storage space to his customers. Website designers, website consultants and system integration companies are usually the resellers. Price of such hosting services is quite low and with that comes the issue of service. Since a lot more people are involved in the hosting, it takes time to resolve any issues and hence reseller-hosting services are best suited for personal websites or blogs. Reseller Hosting Services is not an option for business websites that need prompt backend service. Cheapest of all hosting services, it is a good option for someone trying to find a personal space online.
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